Downloadable database of the ARCANE project
Please read first DB_GettingStarted.pdf before getting started!
WINDOWS (WARNING! Large File: 3,9 GB)
Download the "" file.
Extract (Unzip) the downloaded file to a folder on your hard drive (WARNING! 5,27 GB when extracted).
To run the standalone, open the folder "ArcaneAlpha" and double click on the "ArcaneAlpha.exe" file.
If requested for a password, simply ignore it and click OK.
Download the "" file.
Extract (Unzip) the downloaded file to a folder on your hard drive (WARNING! 5,20 GB when extracted).
To run the standalone, open the folder "ArcaneAlpha" and double click on the "" file.
If requested for a username and password, simply ignore the request and go on.
If you receive an error during or after extraction (especially when using windows built-in zip software), please install and use 7-zip (open source).
In case of any problems or questions related with the database, please contact METRA directly.
In case of any problems or questions related with web site and downloads, please contact webmaster directly.